Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Zaza!

My baby turned two this weekend; and what a long, joyful journey. He has grown so much from the tiny 1-1/2 pound boy at birth. I thank God constantly for giving us such a healthy boy because it could have easily gone the other way. Many babies born at 25 weeks have physical and developmental problems, but not our Zaza. Looking at him you would never know that he was born early. People always say he’s big for his age.

This year for Zaza’s birthday, we spent the day with his German grandparents. Oma made four cakes and took care of all the food and decorations, leaving nothing for me to do but prepare my vegetarian meal. Hubby’s brothers were there along with Zaza’s 8-year-old cousin Tobias. Zaza had a good time playing and also got a lot of gifts. It was a nice day.